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Did you know?

From 2022 through 2041, Boeing forecasts that air cargo traffic, in revenue tonne kilometers, or RTKs, will grow at 4.1% annually.

Already airlines transport over 52 million metric tons of goods a year. Hundreds of companies operating at thousands of airports around the globe are handling that cargo, posing a high potential risk for deviations in the quality of handling.

Watch the webinar below to learn more about how to accommodate and adapt to the upcoming demands.

WEBINAR: Market outlook and regulation changes | Cargo Operations


What will this webinar share?

  • Expert guidance on changes regarding release 2 of its new “Import Control System”
  • Tips on improving e-commerce shipping
  • Insight into how technological advancements improve air cargo handling
  • How standardization reduces costs surrounding ULD usage

How can you benefit from this webinar?

  • Learn about sustainable packaging, lightweight shipping and how it benefits you
  • Learn how standardization through technology can cut down on border delays
  • Learn how new PLACI requirements will affect your competence of all staff
  • Learn how self-monitoring tracking can improve the air cargo customer experience
  • Learn standardized handling of ULDs to decrease damage and injury

Understanding the advancements being made with air cargo can better prepare you for its expected increase. There are many exciting changes to the industry that you should be prepared for.

Understanding the advancements being made with air cargo can better prepare you for its expected increase. There are many exciting changes to the industry that you should be prepared for.

Failure to meet the future demands could be costing you:

  • Loss of customer trust
  • Decreased visibility and efficiency
  • Lost and damaged cargo
  • Equipment, personnel, and aircraft damage

Find out more about how to be better prepared and implement new promising changes.